Sunday, January 6, 2008

Just another Day

Just another Day

The farmers across the street load their scooters with milk cans. Cattle are prodded through the streets to their new location. Chickens crow out in the orange glow of the morning sun rising over the mountains, while patrons go in and out of the little corner shop selling sweet and spicy Thai food for breakfast. It’s just another day in rural Northern Thailand.

For me, it’s my last – at least for a little while. I pack my bags leaving behind several things which I hope to return to next fall. On the list; a pair of tennis shoes, two pairs of jeans, a couple shirts and some books. The first leg of my journey will only allow a maximum load of forty pounds.

Tomorrow I will fly from Chiang Mai to the international airport in Bangkok, hold out in a hotel for the night, and leave early the following day on my thirty-hour trip back across the planet.

Thailand hasn’t changed much in the five years since my last visit, and hopefully, it won’t change any time soon.


1 comment:

Marv and Bon said...

Travel safe...see you in a couple of days!

Mom and Dad